The Better Than Cash Alliance is a partnership of governments, companies, and international organizations that accelerates the transition from cash to digital payments in order to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Digital financial inclusion offers real hope to help us get back to achieving the SDGs by 2030
Improving access to healthcare and decent work, reaching farmers, including merchants, equal opportunities for women and much more, through responsibly digitizing payments.
Alliance’s work in action
The COVID-19 crisis is having a significant and widespread effect on global payments across sectors. The most striking and potentially lasting impact is an accelerating pace of change in the industry.
This webinar demonstrated how integrating the Responsible Digital Payments Guidelines in payment responses is possible and why it’s an important building block for recovery.
What comes after unconditional cash transfers? Does the inclusion of some form of graduation programs offer a more sustainable solution to poverty? Read this blog to learn more about the deb…
Entrevista a Felipe Vásquez de Velasco, Gerente General de Pagos Digitales Peruanos (PDP)
Interview with Felipe Vásquez de Velasco, General Manager of Peruvian Digital Payments (PDP)
This paper considers the impact of the regulatory environment on mobile payments as a channel for delivering inclusive financial services using Kenya, Brazil and India as case studies.
This paper suggests policymakers and other stakeholders should leverage trends toward financially-inclusive e-payments as a means to achieve multiple potential objectives for bringing financial inlcusion to adolescent girls.
This is the second in a series of articles written by Maura Hart on the achievements of several Better Than Cash Alliance members. These highlights capture the innovative work by governments, businesses and development organizations to fulfill their commitment to transition from cash to digital payments.
The Alliance is supporting ASBANC to help launch the platform as soon as possible with the endorsement of the National Financial Inclusion Commission.
The case studies reveal how each country developed their programme, current delivery & payment, and the costs and benefits of using e-payments.