The Better Than Cash Alliance is a partnership of governments, companies, and international organizations that accelerates the transition from cash to digital payments in order to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
The Better Than Cash Alliance has transitioned from UNCDF to join UNDP’s Sustainable Finance Hub
Real-world experiences from micro-merchants across ASEAN that highlight the factors that build or erode trust in DFS.
The Government of Indonesia, with the Indonesian cocoa sector and the Better Than Cash Alliance has conducted a first-of-its-kind sizing exercise to assess opportunities for digital financial inclusion for smallholder cocoa farmers.
Learn about how the Alliance advocates for responsible payment digitization in agriculture
The IWCA endorses UN Responsible Digital Payments as a game-changer for women at every step of the coffee supply chain.
New data confirms that adopting digitization promotes decent work and economic growth and reduces inequality.
The Pocket Guide to Responsible Payment Digitization in the Coffee Value Chain will inform stakeholders on opportunities and tools available for payment digitization.
G20 EMPOWER summit ignites the vital role of digital finance in achieving gender equality
In 10 years, the Better Than Cash Alliance has spurred a global movement towards the responsible digitization of payments.
Lessons from digitizing the Hindustan Unilever Shakti channel
This IFC and We-Fi learning brief introduces how gender equality can be advanced within the distribution activities of the FMCG sector.
Learn about the 9 principles and earn points toward becoming a Certified Digital Finance Practitioner
What being gender intentional has taught us about advancing digital financial equality for women.
Key public and private sector players make action commitments on responsible digitization in retail, agriculture, and ready-made garment sectors, while prioritizing women
Project Kirana is currently training 3,000 women shop owners and managers in the cities of Lucknow and Kanpur.