The Better Than Cash Alliance is a partnership of governments, companies, and international organizations that accelerates the transition from cash to digital payments in order to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Scaling responsible digital payments to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly financial equality for women
We urge governments, humanitarian actors, international financial institutions, and financial service providers to utilize responsible digital payments for prompt emergency response and preventive action.
A report by the CALP Network analyzing the trends, challenges, and opportunities of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) in humanitarian aid.
Urgent measures needed to address climate vulnerability impacting 3.6 billion people, particularly women and marginalized groups.
Insights from the 2023 HLPF expert roundtable
We explore lessons from working with our member governments to design and execute G2P & humanitarian payments.
There is an urgent need and powerful opportunity to further boost the outreach, efficiency, and efficacy of digital humanitarian payments through enhanced coordination between UN agencies.
The Alliance Learning Series is developed to promote a culture of active sharing of learnings with members and other key stakeholders.
Catalyzing an ecosystem for action to address the impacts of climate change among the world’s most vulnerable
Our latest report guides humanitarians to assess if and how digital payments can be effective
In this report, the relationship between financial infrastructure and the performance of disbursement programs in their design ambition and how well they delivered is assessed.
The devastating social and economic impacts of COVID-19 have heightened the need for proven solutions to keep the Sustainable Development Goals within reach
This brief highlights the role of cash transfers and digital distribution as a part of COVID-19 response in Colombia.
This report understands the lived experiences of Concern Burundi’s CVA recipients who are receiving mobile money-enable humanitarian aid.
The devastating social and economic impacts of COVID-19 have heightened the need for proven solutions to keep the SDGs within reach.