The Better Than Cash Alliance is a partnership of governments, companies, and international organizations that accelerates the transition from cash to digital payments in order to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
The Better Than Cash Alliance released the G20 Policy Options to Improve Last Mile Access, offering actionable public policy recommendations to tackle systemic barriers to financial inclusion.
The Better Than Cash Alliance has transitioned from UNCDF to join UNDP’s Sustainable Finance Hub
DPI, encompassing digital payments, identification, and data exchange, can significantly accelerate financial inclusion and economic growth. By enabling secure, scalable, and interoperable systems, DPI reduces costs, enhances security, and expands access to underserved populations.
We are the Better Than Cash Alliance, a UN-based partnership of over 80 members - governments, companies, and international organizations- committed to responsible digital payments to advance the SDGs.
A list of examples of how digital public infrastructure (DPI) can accelerate the progress of the Sustainable Development Goals.
In 10 years, the Better Than Cash Alliance has spurred a global movement towards the responsible digitization of payments.
Digital financial inclusion offers real hope to help us get back to achieving the SDGs by 2030
Digital financial services offer real hope to help the world get back on track from the severe negative impacts from COVID-19.
The National Digital Payments Roadmap provides a high-level plan to expand the adoption of responsible digital payments in a way that is agile, inclusive, and helps achieve the SDGs.
Tax digitalization, when designed and implemented effectively, can deliver major benefits for society, reduce inequalities, and contribute to the financing of the SDGs.
The devastating social and economic impacts of COVID-19 have heightened the need for proven solutions to keep the SDGs within reach.
New Alliance report “Success Factors in Tax Digitalization” is another powerful demonstration of how digital payments can positively impact millions of lives.
This report presents a powerful new demonstration of how digital payments can transform millions of lives for the better.
We invite you to use this compendium to make digital financial inclusion a priority.
Four ways our Alliance advanced progress towards Sustainable Development Goals this year!
Blockchain Series: Blog 6
Harvard Center for International Development (CID) hosts Better Than Cash Alliance on the CID Speaker Series Podcast. …
As world leaders met at the U.N. General Assembly in New York last week, many discussions focused on how to ignite greater progress toward the SDGs.
This blog was originally published on The Practitioner Hub for Inclusive Business…
In a significant step towards integrating social benefits into business strategy, the UN-based Better Than Cash Alliance announced its newest member: Unilever.