The Better Than Cash Alliance is a partnership of governments, companies, and international organizations that accelerates the transition from cash to digital payments in order to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
This paper highlights the importance of digital public infrastructure (DPI) in transforming agriculture.
This paper estimates the impact of the Electronic Transfer Levy E-Levy on mobile money usage and user perceptions in Ghana.
This report delves into the interoperability between central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and fast payment systems (FPS).
The report focuses on empowering SMEs through innovative financial solutions.
This working paper explores the challenges and opportunities of leveraging DPI to support Brazil’s economic transformation, building on Brazil’s history of digital transformation initiatives.
This playbook provides a comprehensive framework for designing and implementing digital social protection delivery systems (DSPDS).
This paper finds that as digital payments increase, economic growth improves. Specifically, a 1% rise in digital payment usage leads to a 0.10% increase in GDP per capita growth over two years.
This report discusses the current state of financial inclusion, the supply and demand of financial products and services for migrants, and the importance of remittances
This report examines the impact of transitioning beneficiaries of a large-scale cash transfer program from cash to direct deposits into digital bank accounts.
The paper discusses the importance of gender equality in financial systems.
Generative AI and its potential to significantly transform financial services,
El informe destaca la maduración del ecosistema fintech en América Latina y el Caribe, y su regulación.
This paper outlines enablers and examples for policymakers, financial service providers, and civil society organizations to empower women entrepreneurs in leveraging digital financial services.
Analysis of financial inclusion in Central America, Panama, and the Dominican Republic.
Explores the collection and use of gender-degreged data and future steps to leverage it for women’s financial inclusion.
This paper proposes the “Finternet,” a future financial system inspired by the internet, as a solution to the outdated aspects of the current financial system.
This report aims to highlight innovative technological solutions addressing climate challenges and explore their impact on society.
The Early Warnings for All initiative is a key contribution to delivering climate justice to those at the frontlines of the climate crisis.
This report provides an overview of WFP’s progress in scaling up its Anticipatory Action (AA) operations, from covering 3.2 million people in 28 countries in 2022 to 4.1 million people in 36 countries in 2023.
The paper discusses the role of digital public infrastructure (DPI), and specifically fast payment systems (FPSs) in promoting financial inclusion.