The Better Than Cash Alliance is a partnership of governments, companies, and international organizations that accelerates the transition from cash to digital payments in order to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Empowering People One Transaction at a Time: Leading Corporations, Foundations and Development Organizations Form “Better Than Cash Alliance” to Accelerate Global Shift to Electronic Payments
Digital initiative aimed at helping world’s poor…
In wealthy countries, most people conduct their financial activity in digital form; money and value is stored virtually and transferred instantaneously with a touch of a button.
Visa Joins Global Leaders In New Partnership To Promote Electronic Payments And Improve Lives
Leading Corporations, Foundations and Development Organizations Form ‘Better Than Cash Alliance’…
Initiative Launched to Accelerate Global Shift to Electronic Payments for the Poor…
“We are excited to be joining our partners in announcing the Better than Cash Alliance today. Committed to moving the global community onto electronic payments in place of physical cash, the…
The Better Than Cash Alliance Is Out to Create a “Cash Lite” World…
Aquino Admin Says ‘Digitisation’ a Priority Goal…
Alliance Accelerates Work to Transition from Cash to Electronic Payments Worldwide…
Citi helped to launch the Better Than Cash Alliance, a coalition of public, private and NGO partners.
2012 the Better Than Cash Alliance was launched at an event at the Ford Foundation in New York….
Around the world, 2.5 billion people lack access to formal financial services….
Government of Afghanistan Joins Better Than Cash Alliance — Pledges to Address Poverty and Grow Economy by Shifting to Electronic Payments…
At the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland, this morning, the Better Than Cash Alliance hosted a roundtable discussion with Juan Jiménez Mayor, Prime Minister, Republic…
ACDI/VOCA Joins the Better Than Cash Alliance — Pledges to Address Poverty and Grow the Economy by Shifting to Electronic Payments …
Grameen Foundation Joins Better Than Cash Alliance; Pledges to Address Poverty by Shifting to Electronic Payments…
At ACDI/VOCA we see firsthand how technological innovations are revolutionizing approaches to global economic development. This is particularly true for electronic payments. Around 2.5 billi…
The World Bank and the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS) recently hosted the Third Meeting of the CPSS – World Bank Retail Payments Forum in Perugia, Italy.