The Better Than Cash Alliance is a partnership of governments, companies, and international organizations that accelerates the transition from cash to digital payments in order to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Empowering People One Transaction at a Time: Leading Corporations, Foundations and Development Organizations Form “Better Than Cash Alliance” to Accelerate Global Shift to Electronic Payments
This is the fourth in a series of articles written by Maura Hart on the achievements of several Better Than Cash Alliance members. These highlights capture the innovative work by governments, businesses and development organizations to fulfill their commitment to transition from cash to digital payments.
Originally published on
This blog post was originally published in the Huffington Post…
Wharton Business Radio hosts Better Than Cash Alliance on the “Dollars and Change” podcast….
This International Women’s Day, Marks & Spencer (M&S) is joining the Better Than Cash Alliance to help advance the Sustainable Development Goals.
Blockchain Series: Blog 4
New partnership will result in promoting digital payments as an important tool to increase security, financial inclusion and economic opportunities in the workplace.
The Alliance Learning Series is developed to promote a culture of active sharing of learnings with members and other key stakeholders.