The Better Than Cash Alliance is a partnership of governments, companies, and international organizations that accelerates the transition from cash to digital payments in order to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
The Government of Indonesia, with the Indonesian cocoa sector and the Better Than Cash Alliance has conducted a first-of-its-kind sizing exercise to assess opportunities for digital financial inclusion for smallholder cocoa farmers.
The Pocket Guide to Responsible Payment Digitization in the Coffee Value Chain will inform stakeholders on opportunities and tools available for payment digitization.
A founding member of the Better Than Cash Alliance, the Philippines has paved the path in transitioning to responsible digital payments, providing many key lessons and insights for other cou…
Improving social protection through public-private collaboration and responsible digital payment practices as part of COVID-19 emergency response
CSS is thus strongly committed to providing high-quality services to its workers and their families, both formal and informal financial services.
In 2020 Kossam SDE successfully launched payment digitization for more than 850 herders, helping to improve their living and working conditions.
As part of its growth and anti-poverty policy, the Government of Senegal is carrying out several transport infrastructure projects.
This paper sets out pathways forward to help realize the full potential of digitalization, with specific and practical recommendations.
This paper suggests pathways forward to help realize these benefits, with specific recommendations.
Mexico has been among the forerunners in tax digitalization, starting in the 1980s when it piloted digital Point of Sale (PoS) registration and invoicing.
New digitization study recommends strengthening cash assistance collaboration across UN agencies & partners, to improve coordination and harmonization.
McLeod Russel Uganda (MRUL) cut costs and increased financial inclusion for workers after transitioning to a secure mobile payment system in Uganda.
Leading apparel companies have collaborated with each other on the BSR Herfinance program to improve worker well-being through payroll digitization.
The National Dairy Development Board digitized its payments to dairy farmers – unlocking significant business and social benefits.
Grupo Bimbo identified digitization as a key element to help merchants remain competitive against modern retail stories in Mexico….
Gap Inc. has helped improve factory performance and promoted worker well-being by digitizing salaries for factory workers in India.
Unilever partnered with Mastercard and Kenya Commercial Bank to develop a digital working capital platform helping small merchants grow sale in Kenya, called Jaza Duka.
This report examines new business models and government initiatives for energy access that rely upon digital payments.
This new case study features an examination of the nonprofit organization One Acre Fund (OAF) which teaches better crop management techniques and provides inputs on credit to smallholder farmers throughout East Africa.
This report examines two of China’s most far-reaching applications – WeChat and Alipay – and explores their role in the development of one of the world’s largest and most sophisticated digital payments ecosystems.