The Better Than Cash Alliance is a partnership of governments, companies, and international organizations that accelerates the transition from cash to digital payments in order to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Learn about how the Alliance advocates for responsible payment digitization in agriculture
Urgent measures needed to address climate vulnerability impacting 3.6 billion people, particularly women and marginalized groups.
The Pocket Guide to Responsible Payment Digitization in the Coffee Value Chain will inform stakeholders on opportunities and tools available for payment digitization.
Insights from the 2023 HLPF expert roundtable
In 10 years, the Better Than Cash Alliance has spurred a global movement towards the responsible digitization of payments.
This study lays the foundation for incorporating United Nations Principles for Responsible Digital Payments in the Rwandan tea sector, with the goal of increasing efficiency and improving farmers’ living incomes.
What being gender intentional has taught us about advancing digital financial equality for women.
An interview with the Ethical Tea Partnership: Jenny Costelloe, Executive Director & Liberal Seburikoko, Regional Director (Africa)
Tax digitalization, when designed and implemented effectively, can deliver major benefits for society, reduce inequalities, and contribute to the financing of the SDGs.
Successful digitization of P2G payments and its widespread adoption by users is achievable - but depends on the alignment of various important factors.
Ethical Tea Partnership is a membership organization working with tea companies, development organizations and governments to improve the lives of tea workers, farmers and their environment.
Lessons from our work with members in Ghana, India, Mexico, and the Philippines
Small merchants exert a big influence on the global economy.
This report from Centre for Strategic and International Studies makes a strong case for digital payments for equity, development and security.
Plus de 20 parties prenantes, venant de 11 pays africains, ont participé à cette 3e table ronde.