The Better Than Cash Alliance is a partnership of governments, companies, and international organizations that accelerates the transition from cash to digital payments in order to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
DPI, encompassing digital payments, identification, and data exchange, can significantly accelerate financial inclusion and economic growth. By enabling secure, scalable, and interoperable systems, DPI reduces costs, enhances security, and expands access to underserved populations.
Learn about how the Alliance advocates for responsible payment digitization in agriculture
The IWCA endorses UN Responsible Digital Payments as a game-changer for women at every step of the coffee supply chain.
Key public and private sector players make action commitments on responsible digitization in retail, agriculture, and ready-made garment sectors, while prioritizing women
On International Women’s Day, we celebrate the achievements of our members one year on from Reaching Financial Equality for Women, to ensure stronger economies that build on the strengths of women and girls.
Ethical Tea Partnership is a membership organization working with tea companies, development organizations and governments to improve the lives of tea workers, farmers and their environment.
The Alliance Learning Series is developed to promote a culture of active sharing of learnings with members and other key stakeholders.
Planning: Vision and commitment to make digital payments a national priority
Better Than Cash Alliance organized a peer exchange learning series to highlight the central and state government initiatives and facilitate peer learning to accelerate service delivery and digital financial inclusion.
Media release from the Better Than Cash Alliance, the World Bank and the National Agency of Statistics and Demography of Senegal (ANSD)
Director-General says joining the Better Than Cash Alliance is part of stimulating more innovation and financial inclusion for smallholders
Digital payments can help make the sector more efficient, transparent, and secure for companies and people alike.
Blockchain Series: Blog 4
Blockchain Series: Blog 5
As world leaders met at the U.N. General Assembly in New York last week, many discussions focused on how to ignite greater progress toward the SDGs.
By Alfred Akibo-Betts and Tenzin Keyzom Massally
In Addis Ababa, the vibrant Ethiopian capital, lies a busy Somali community market where Bisharo runs a small shop.
Interview with Felipe Vásquez de Velasco, General Manager of Peruvian Digital Payments (PDP)
This blog was originally published on…
This blog was originally published on The Practitioner Hub for Inclusive Business…