The Better Than Cash Alliance is a partnership of governments, companies, and international organizations that accelerates the transition from cash to digital payments in order to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Finance Ministers of the economies of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) endorsed the new Better Than Cash Alliance report on the role of digital payments in sustainable agriculture on 21st October, in Viet Nam.
New report underscores benefits of shifting from cash to digital payments in corporate supply chains.
The purpose of this report is to share key lessons and tools that are critical to launching and scaling successful responsible digital payments initiatives in Ghana’s cocoa value chain.
This study presents a unique perspective, comparing concrete experiences from large companies to small- and medium-sized businesses.
Taking stock of the digital payments ecosystem with a 7-point action plan to expand the merchant acceptance network
Learn more in our new report launched with ILO, Better Work and GIZ on supporting the responsible scaling of digital wages to advance decent work in Jordan.
90% des marchands ivoiriens estiment que la gestion du cash est une entrave au bon développement de leurs activités et sont favorables aux paiements digitaux
Lessons from digitizing the Hindustan Unilever Shakti channel
In 10 years, the Better Than Cash Alliance has spurred a global movement towards the responsible digitization of payments.
Real-world experiences from micro-merchants across ASEAN that highlight the factors that build or erode trust in DFS.